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Digital transformation – another step into the future

Every industry has changed due to digital transformation. We were able to get rid of a ton of paper thanks to special services, and we now retain all of our data in an organized electronic format. The removal of errors brought on by the human aspect is an additional benefit. The devices themselves provide all of the data. Whenever we have internet connectivity, we can use the SaaS model and store the data in the cloud, or we can use local servers. What other ways has digitalization altered us?

What exactly is digital transformation?

Changes to data collection and processing are part of the digital transformation. Thoughts initially turned to transferring analog documentation to computer systems, but the implications go much further.

How does digital transformation work? It is a transformation that alters supply chains, businesses, or production. The Tipteh IoT Platform digitizes every step of the manufacturing process, from data collection from the machine to data analysis, information reporting, and efficient production plan execution.

How does digital transformation affect different business models?

The way businesses operate is changing as a result of digital developments. Regardless of company size or the consumer base they serve, a variety of manufacturing firms opt for this service. Even small firms are aware that implementing digitization today creates a variety of prospects for the future. This is why small businesses hunt for digital transformation efforts and emulate them as early as the business plan stage.

The use of digital transformation services greatly simplifies and speeds up team communication. Each member of the crew can view the status of the machine and the accurate output that is presently being worked on in real time. They don’t needlessly repeat their activities as a result. Everyone follows through on their responsibilities, which boosts team output. This would not have been conceivable if the digital business transformation hadn’t occurred.

What is the digital transformation strategy about?

The primary pillar of the digital transformation strategy is the necessities of production. It must improve its effectiveness over time. The outcome must also be of a high caliber. System support is necessary for every department in a modern plant. Digital transformation substantially facilitates and speeds up work at each of these stages: planning, implementation, quality assurance, and maintenance. On the other side, the strategy’s goals are to digitize distribution networks, cut costs, and boost efficiency.

Digital transformation across different components

What might the blueprint for digital transformation look like? It is made up of 4 parts:


  • Performance tracking for OEE. OEE enables in-the-moment tracking of performance, accessibility, and quality metrics. It enables you to identify areas where the production process needs improvement and elevate the indicators to the standard that the client demands.
  • The program offers paperless production, traceability, and quality control procedures.
  • The Energy Monitoring System makes it possible to continuously monitor the plant’s utilities and displays the true expenses associated with production.
  • Real-time Scheduling enables the creation of a production schedule and increases the danger of not completing the manufacturing order by the deadline.

When constructing such a map, we should specify the areas that will undergo change while taking into consideration the changes and the domains they will affect that we are most interested in. For instance, these can be split up into production, maintenance, quality, and planning. These four elements will each have a unique effect on all the topics covered. The next stage of business process evolution is driven by digital transformation services.

How are digital technologies changing production?

Because digital technology doesn’t require paper for documentation, production is greener. The same fact also facilitates faster departmental communication within the production. Any anomalies are instantly identified and can be fixed. A digital transition increases the effectiveness of production. You can obtain high-value products and attain higher performance metrics by integrating systems and utilities. It also enables you to reduce production costs by identifying and removing weak points. All of this contributes to a more encouraging work environment.

As part of the digital transformation framework, cloud data storage is a smart choice because it promotes scalability and lowers startup costs. While utilizing any utility, this software is available. You can freely exchange info in real time using it as well.

Tipteh IoT Platform solution – what does it mean for your company?

Digitization results in lower costs, more efficacy, and the potential for quicker growth. But we can already assure you that once you’ve experienced how digital technology is revolutionizing production, you’ll never go back to the old approaches of the past.

Your Project In 6 Steps


You have a problem with efficiency


You reach out to Tipteh’s experts on that topic


After the meeting, you’re informed about all the benefits of TSF products.

It’s time to get started on a solution for your business.


Your business gets an official offer, tailored to your needs and production type

At this point, another meeting will most likely take place for informational purposes.


Integration process begins

Our specialists provide you with devices and PLC’s and integrate all of your machinery into the system dashboard.


Reap the benefits of your new system

Feel the difference! Your entire production line stays in one place, a centralized dashboard for you to control.

Your Project In 6 Steps


You have a problem with efficiency


After the meeting, you’re informed about all the benefits of TSF products.

It’s time to get started on a solution for your business.


Integration process begins

Our specialists provide you with devices and PLC’s and integrate all of your machinery into the system dashboard.


You reach out to Tipteh’s experts on that topic


Your business gets an official offer, tailored to your needs and production type

At this point, another meeting will most likely take place for informational purposes.


Reap the benefits of your new system

Feel the difference! Your entire production line stays in one place, a centralized dashboard for you to control.

See How Our Solutions Can Help You

A Tipteh automation specialist is waiting for your call. Find out how our software can help your business improve in efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tipteh is the concept of a modern facility equipped with cutting-edge technology in favor of production optimization and higher efficiency. Tipteh philosophy fits in the current trends of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and lean manufacturing.
Tipteh is a general name for the entire Tipteh software ecosystem. Tipteh consists of 4 in-app products and addons which are tailored to customers’ needs and requirements. Regardless of the customer’s custom configuration, the goal is to make your factory modern and smart!
Yes, Tipteh’s team proposes the most suitable hardware for the given project. As an end-to-end company, we configure, deliver and install all necessary wiring and appliances along with our software.
Tipteh solutions provide our customers with the platform in a private, public, or hybrid cloud architecture. Legacy on-premises solutions are also available if the project demands domestic infrastructure due to its specification.
No, a Tipteh MES (Manufacturing Execution Software) system is not an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. However, Tipteh provides a system with built-in ERP capabilities if local ERP is not available.

Yes, Tipteh integrates with most systems available on the market (SAP, etc.)

Yes, our experts are ready to share their experience and knowledge with you. After years of putting systems in place, we have developed best practices and protocols to support our clients.

Tipteh supplies an 80% ready-to-work system. 20% is customizable to the customer’s case.

Our dedicated team is ready to connect with old and new machines on the production line. If PLC drivers are not available, we can duplicate the analog signal to get a digital output.
No, ERP is not obligatory to install one of Tipteh’s suites. Our systems have a simplified ERP system already installed.
In order to start the digitalization journey, Tipteh experts have to visit your factory, perform a production health check to discuss business goals and create a solution concept. The whole journey starts with an initial online meeting where we discuss the system, current situation, and the next steps.

Usually, it takes up to 6 months to implement the system and see the first positive results.

Tipteh provides a customer success manager who will help your company prior to and after roll-out by prioritizing issues, controlling tasks, and streamlining the communication between companies. Our experts train you on how to use your system to optimize production. We coach and consult to guide you with the best practices from other industries.
Tipteh’s implementation team visits your factory to implement the solution and ensure that all standards are met, and settings are set up correctly prior to system startup.
Yes, Tipteh is part of the industry 4.0 movement. We deliver our hardware and software according to the newest standards and practices of Industry 4.0.
Of course, we are pleased to invite you to one of our reference sites to show you how the system performs.
The operator uses an access RFID card or pin pad to enter the system on the shop floor.
Tipteh provides 3 suites and additional add-ons which can be modified according to customers’ requirements and factory state.
Yes, if the project requires only a specific functionality to be covered, we will provide one module which can be expanded in the future.